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Our June 2024 Meeting

Many thanks to Laura for the incredible lunch today and for choosing an equally incredible book, The Many Lives of Mama Love by Lara Love Hardin.  We had a delicious “Western” salad, a variety of appetizers, wild rice, and cheese quesadillas with all the trimmings, followed by mixed berry cobbler and vanilla ice cream.


The Many Lives of Mama Love is a heartbreaking, yet uplifting memoir of a typical suburban soccer mom who hides her opioid addiction until she is eventually arrested at her home and charged with thirty-two felonies.  Her novel depicts her life in jail, her relationship with her family, and her eventual release back into society and as Oprah says, becomes the person she was meant to be.  Hardin finds her talent as a successful ghostwriter and leads the reader through her journey back to sobriety and her acceptance back into society.


We discussed how challenging it is in today’s justice system to overcome the odds and become rehabilitated after spending time in our penal system.  Mama Love defies all odds with the help of her boss, sons, and third husband.  She learns the importance of forgiveness and self acceptance.


Two other books were referenced today The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle and The Book of Joy by The Dalai Lama and Desmond Tutu.


Hope to see everyone next month at Maggie’s on July 12.  Please see the website for other gatherings.


Looks like it’s Summertime in the Summit.  Enjoy!


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